Monday, June 05, 2006


hey everyone!

hope everyone's having an enjoyable holiday, especially the ODAC people at some ulu-far-away-tucked-in-the-mountains place. my hols have been quite boring... cos i'm staying at home, only to allowed to use the comp 2 hours a day. and i'm not allowed to play computer games, xbox, ps or watch dvds.

gah so i'm dying for an OG outing, to relieve my boredom and to make up for the one cancelled recently :P.

suggestion: amanda's house (big lor)
date: week 3 of hols, weekday or weekends (both are actually possible)
time: evening
outing: bbq potluck?

haha i got it planned! now for mandre to check if her house is free and people can actually go!


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