awesomeness unlimited!
Dance night tix almost all sold out I think! Unbelievable!
Guitar concert over! Amazing!
All overdue homework cleared! Fantabulous!
I'm on a row! Victory dance! =)
hahaha. Sorry yongsheng, will have to disappoint you again =P this thursday not free still... aiya... these weeks all not free... Arts fest has kept me damn busy lor. Doing AV, doing favours for friends, etc etc. I am proud of the case I prepped with my friend for debates, even though the coach didn't use it wholesale. And I am proud of the ideas behind my GP essay, which I shall retype out and redraft soon. That's why I haven't been online or on the x'peia blog often the last few days... Heartening to see most of the OG still persisting at the z'cove in the mornings. It's almost instinctive for me to go there already! Regardless of what state i'm in when I arrive at school, half-dead, sleepwalking, stoned, I will still walk towards the general direction of those vaunted tables. And promptly plonk my head down and power nap! =) Or strategically discuss techniques for math assignments.
And da main man NARPAL!! you rox!
peace, yo
And Narpal, you rock dude!
Guitar concert over! Amazing!
All overdue homework cleared! Fantabulous!
I'm on a row! Victory dance! =)
hahaha. Sorry yongsheng, will have to disappoint you again =P this thursday not free still... aiya... these weeks all not free... Arts fest has kept me damn busy lor. Doing AV, doing favours for friends, etc etc. I am proud of the case I prepped with my friend for debates, even though the coach didn't use it wholesale. And I am proud of the ideas behind my GP essay, which I shall retype out and redraft soon. That's why I haven't been online or on the x'peia blog often the last few days... Heartening to see most of the OG still persisting at the z'cove in the mornings. It's almost instinctive for me to go there already! Regardless of what state i'm in when I arrive at school, half-dead, sleepwalking, stoned, I will still walk towards the general direction of those vaunted tables. And promptly plonk my head down and power nap! =) Or strategically discuss techniques for math assignments.
And da main man NARPAL!! you rox!
peace, yo
And Narpal, you rock dude!
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