Saturday, April 29, 2006


hellohellohello!!! =D sorry for not updating for such a long time. anyway, hope everyone's been doing fine with their tests/SPAs etc. and i know this is abit late but congrats to mandre for getting into council. =D AND darren - i still want to see you being scary. hahahhaa.

rightttt. good luck everyone who will be taking bio SPA next week. =) i'm not sure when the physics one is. but i know i have bio SPA, GP essay test and math lect test next week. *_* Oh and to heex - jiayou for CO concert. =)

Sunday, April 23, 2006


hey everyone!

congrats to guoren and ben for their successful raffles rock performance. michelle and charlene were there too, so i'll just help them congratulate you guys on their behalf. there was no doubt that the band that managed to turn up the heat was Mr. Siva's band, E.I.C, and Mr. Siva's singing was GOD-like; but Eden-Sol still did a good job especially with your self-compositions.

that's all from me now cos i haven't got really much to say so far. =P



Hey guys... I'm glad the hectic week is over for me. Two concerts in one week is no mean feat, and I'm happy and feeling so blessed. Thanks to those who came down to see me perform and support RJGE and RR. Appreciate it guys. Its times like this that you realise how important friends are to you.

All the best to Mandre who's in council now. And all the best to all of you who will be performing or will be participating in competitions. X'PEIA will be behind you guys whatever happens! Definitely! Thats what friends are for ya?

Love you guys.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

awesomeness unlimited!

Dance night tix almost all sold out I think! Unbelievable!

Guitar concert over! Amazing!

All overdue homework cleared! Fantabulous!

I'm on a row! Victory dance! =)

hahaha. Sorry yongsheng, will have to disappoint you again =P this thursday not free still... aiya... these weeks all not free... Arts fest has kept me damn busy lor. Doing AV, doing favours for friends, etc etc. I am proud of the case I prepped with my friend for debates, even though the coach didn't use it wholesale. And I am proud of the ideas behind my GP essay, which I shall retype out and redraft soon. That's why I haven't been online or on the x'peia blog often the last few days... Heartening to see most of the OG still persisting at the z'cove in the mornings. It's almost instinctive for me to go there already! Regardless of what state i'm in when I arrive at school, half-dead, sleepwalking, stoned, I will still walk towards the general direction of those vaunted tables. And promptly plonk my head down and power nap! =) Or strategically discuss techniques for math assignments.

And da main man NARPAL!! you rox!

peace, yo

And Narpal, you rock dude!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Hmmm... I guess theres not gonna be an OG outing tomorrow. But well, we've always got other opportunities. Like the outing Heex suggested. Well I'm for it. Anyone else wants to go?

Well, good job Mandre with your campaign thingy, and don't worry, X'PEIA will vote for you and support you all the way! =) Well at least I know most of us will. I think MR is gonna be a super super awesome house after the new MR council gets elected. All the candidates are really really good.

Wah... I caught the flu from someone on Monday when I came to paint the RJGE banner for concert. (Please come its on the 19th. Haha.) Sniffling now. I'm kinda glad that there are tissues all over school now so I can use them at any time haha. The funniest campaigns are from MR house =) At least thats what I think. Theres some one who's offering free water cooler water on the 4th floor haha.

Better drink more to help me recover haha. Well, see ya guys soon! =)

Sunday, April 09, 2006

vox vitae

-taken off my own blog. i felt bad about sidelining this blog... so i figured i'd cheat a bit. hope you all don't mind.

I know I have ranted very often about these Right to Life people. I know I have bitched about them as well. But I think after much careful deliberation and consideration, the issue has entirely crystalized in my head, and I will make one more post on it.

At the end of the day, what pisses me off the most about the politically religious (notice I didn't say fundamentalist, there is a reason for that) is that nonbelievers build up this impression that religions like Christianity is all about forcing them to live by a creed that they don't necessarily believe in themselves simply because it is the one and only true path to salvation and glory.

Well guess what. That could not be further from the truth. Christianity in its truest form is about freedom and love, not bondage. Not telling other people what they must do. Not passing moral judgements on all the people of the world. The brand of Christianity that receives the most media attention is a pervasion, and plegian blemish on a perfectly respectable religion.

That isn't what being a Christian means. Even if it is a myth I subscribe to the fact that Christ, be he myth or be he man, never intended for his message to bring oppression. Even if it is a myth that I subscribe to the Bible, be it the inspired Word of God, or the fabricated Word of Man, tells some interesting tales, and has lessons for all of us.

People have simply misused the religion for their own gain; organized Christianity has had a track record for abusing the trust of the masses to further the power and wealth of unscrupulous men...

Abortion will never be a gray area for me. I know my stance, and I will defend it. What I will never do is to imply that my stance is any more morally correct then anyone elses. I may disagree with them, I may bitch about them, but at the end of the day, I do not disagree with their choice of views, nor do I bitch about them choosing one option or the other. What I do not agree with is them forcing this viewpoint down on other people's throat based on the argument that they have the moral high ground, and know what is best for all humanity.

On the one hand I can see where it can be wrong. On the other hand I can see where it is the right choice. But on the gripping hand it simply does not fall into the tasks of my job to judge who or when or how or why anyone should be choosing either of those.

Which is why it should remain legal. Which is why I am pro-choice. God is pro-choice, too. That is what free will is all about. We are free to choose whatever we think is right. But only what we think is right for us. He gave us hints, but ultimately, he leaves the choice up to us, for us to decide what we want to do. The Christian God never gave anyone carte blanche to decide for other people what was unforgivable. Anyone who thinks that they are qualified to judge such personal matters for anyone other than themselves is about as arrogant as it gets.

I remember the tale of Lucifer. The Fallen Angel was cast out because he thought he was qualified to judge, that he was akin to God. It was his pride in his own righteousness that did him in.

At least Lucifer was more honest. At least he didn't claim to speak for God. He just claimed he was as qualified as God. How much more wrong is someone who claims both to be the voice of God and as qualified to judge?

peace out,

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Hello, all you x'peians out there!

Okay, it may sound a little odd to say "all", because it implies there are hundreds of you or something. Still, there may be only 22 two of you, but that is plenty by any one's standards.

Mandre's running for council! We have to support her and make sure she gets in k?

The RJ canteen looks really odd, and feels even more bizzare, without the benches. Especially when it rains, and it becomes damn dark and gloomy. It reminds me of Khazad-Dum from Lord of the Rings...

The school is damn cunning! They give us a holiday on monday, but know that eventually the teacher will take the lessons on monday and spread them out like butter all over the weeks!

Anyways, i realised i am rambling... ><

peace out,
Wang Hanchen.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

mel =)

stay the same - joey mcintyre

Don't you ever wish you were someone else,
You were meant to be the way you are exactly.
Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.
When you learn to love yourself,
you're better off by far.
And I hope you always stay the same,
cos there's nothing 'bout you I would change.

I think that you could be whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize, all the dreams you have inside.
Don't be afraid if you've got something to say,
Just open up your heart and let it show you the way.


Believe in yourself.
Reach down inside.
The love you find will set you free.
Believe in yourself, you will come alive.
Have faith in what you do.
You'll make it through.


i love this song. =)=)=) anyone who wants the song can ask from me online too. heh. ok back to bio mugging. *_*

Saturday, April 01, 2006


April fool's day today btw.

omg indian bicultural programme was so bloody boring.

take the two most boring things in the world: indian dance, and traditional chinese music, and try to fuse them together, and you prove one of the most fundamental concepts in modern thinking. the whole is way more then the sum of its parts. it was more boring then i could possibly imagine. I could literally hear my brain cells screaming out in anguish. It was that bad.

but there is hope yet! GODFATHER! omg! best film ever! i love it to death! eh there are so many cool films out there, and i only recently realised it! =( so many movies, so much homework! =(

super tired. super sleepy.
