Thursday, July 27, 2006

IT'S heex.

woohoo 240th post!

haha the last ten posts were painstaking eh.

and promos are only 60 days away! that's 12 days for each subject! ahhhh!

shit i'm being damn random cos there's nothing much to write about.

and nice post. (see below) =P

Thursday, July 20, 2006


blog, people. or else later the whole blog only got wang, ys and my entries only.

woohoo E for econs. too bad i can't spell any words.
and here's my plan to get all As in the promos:
[1] form study group with mengfei and menglin the IMBA nanyang twins.

[2] train arm strength and writing speed by doing forearm training!

[3] study 1.5 months before the promos!

[4] drink brands' chickens essence or koff some DHA pills that are supposed to make you smarter.

[5] aha and start praying.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

i come in peace


I just had a cup of 100% Real Brewed Tea! It makes me happy =)

I'll tell you more about my happy juice next time. It's really quite good. =)

Sometimes, I feel like a balloon. =)

Smile! =)

peace, yo
Baron Von Wank

Friday, July 14, 2006

super combo!


was close to getting BOOB but oh wellz. awaiting econs and gp to finish my super combo!

Monday, July 03, 2006

post 230!


somehow i think this og is quite ownage... wat kind of og blog actually manages to reach 230 posts when most die off or get deleted before say, like 50 posts? partially this is due to wang's desire to reach mmmonster post and my desire to at least hit some nice numbered post (like 230?).

newae contrast to ys' day of degen at home, i went for this cip thingy after being persuaded by mandre. it was some dance cip by the ymca where u go dance with kids from low-income families and then make their day a better one. =P

well initially we went to ymca in the morning to learn the dance before teaching the kids. well there were like <10 guys and almost 50 girls and initially the guys were quite uncomfortable with the low proportion of guys and we were thinking that we have boarded a "zei chuan" (pirate ship). thankifully the dances later were quite fun cos we learned some bangra dance which involves crazy jumping around and doing the trademark indian shimmy-around-the-tree thing which was quite fun. and of course they were some rgs dancers which were quite ok haha.

then we had lunch at the nearby paradiz centre, when some of my friends and i were tempted to play dota. but since lunch was only 1 hour, we pushed it back to after the whole thing ended. then we went to tao nan school to find our primary school kid buddies and there were some quite cranky ones. these p3 kids were like half my height and they dare to kick their legs at us and some kid actually went to catch a grasshopper to scare the rgs and some jc-ish girls. then my friend got quite pissed after that grasshopper-catching kid touched his butt so he held up the kid by his legs and the kid wasn't very much intimidated. tsktsk about the attitude of kids these days.

newae we had great fun with the kids seeing how they enjoyed the dances pretty much, deriving much fun simply by jumping around or simply getting a few sweets after the whole thing ended. then my friends and i went to katong shopping centre to play dota for 1.5 hours before going home, and my team won even though the other team was owning us with kills and had much better items.

well looking forward to seeing u guys at the z'cove tomorrow and watching germany vs. italy and not looking forward to PW.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

slow moves.

I have no idea why I am still up at 5 am in the morning. ><

Friday's gathering was a blast! All credits go to mandre for organising it, and to everyone who turned up for making the effort.

At any rate, today was a fruitful day of work and contemplation. I shall take a leaf out of mandre's book, and post an excerpt of an entry on my blog here =)

"What does it mean to be lonely?

"lone·ly (lōn')
adj., -li·er, -li·est.
    1. Without companions; lone.
    2. Characterized by aloneness; solitary.
  1. Unfrequented by people; desolate: a lonely crossroads.
    1. Dejected by the awareness of being alone. See synonyms at alone.
    2. Producing such dejection: the loneliest night of the week.
lonelily lone'li·ly adv.
loneliness lone'li·ness n."

Until recently, I accepted what the dictionary told me. That it was simply a state of being without. I always thought of loneliness as something of a negative - an absence of companionship, and, of course, something temporary, as its very nature suggest.

But now I have come to realise that it is so much more. It is something which could press and oppress. could distort the ordinary, and play tricks with the mind. It lurks inimicallly all around, stretching nerves and twanging them with alarms, never letting one forget that there was no one to go to for help, no one to turn to for comfort, no one to care.

It places one in context, as a tiny grain of sand in the world's mightiest deserts, or as a atom, adrift in the vastness of the infinite cosmos. It waits and stalks, all the time bidding its time for the chance to frighten, and frighten terribly. That was what loneliness is really all about.

To deprive a gregarious creature of companionship is to maim it. It is to outrage it's very nature, and the very purpose of its creation. The prisoner and cenobite are aware that the herd exists beyond their exile; they are also aspects of that greater entity. But when it is abandoned, and is severed completely from the herd, in a sort of way, the herd no longer exists. And for the herd creature, it is no longer a part of any entity. He becomes part of no whole, a freak without a place.

He then turns to his reason and rationality to exist and survive as an island. He must negotiate a calm in his mind, as every aspect of his existance screams out in a chorus of chaos. What a poor and pitiful creature he must be...

And if he should be unable to hold on to his reason, then he is lost indeed. Most utterly, fearfully, dreadfully lost, so that he should become no more then the twitch in the limb of a corpse.

peace, yo
Baron Von Wank"